Sunday, November 2, 2008


Here are the cute boys on Halloween- They wanted to be TORO blue guys and go to the Mountain View Game- They didnt even trick -or - treat. They had so much fun and the real Toro blue guys tried to get them on the field but the cheer coach said no. HOW RUDE!!! They did it with Zach , Tyler and Tanner Ricks.

They had a great time !

We used craft paint and then after we painted my friend told me we should have added liquid dish soap, it makes it easier to get off, it goes on better and doesnt crack. So if you ever paint your kids blue here is the tip.


Durfee Family said...

Hi Shauna! I found your blog on Krista's! I can't believe Morgan is gone to school! It's so hard to start changing as a family! But it gets better! It's just different!

Margaret said...

HI SHAUNA. Yeah. Man you are a great mom. these are so much fun. Lets get together soon. Love you tons.

queenbee4 said...

The blues dudes are cracking me up! What a good Mom you are ... they would not be allowed in my house with all that paint!

Tyler, Kamry, Jaxxen, Madexx and Nixxen said...

Hey Shauna its Kamry. Im not exactly sure how I came across your blog but I just wanted to say Hi. I cant believe how grown up your kids are! Time flies!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I just love you and your family! I really guys are amazing and your kids are wonderful!